Sensor solutions for robotics - Universal Robots and SICK head towards the factory of the future

Jun 11, 2018

Outstanding robot specialist Universal Robots and leading sensor solutions provider SICK have joined forces in order to create two innovative applications for collaborative robots.



The applications in question combine both companies’ virtues and allow for people and robots to work within the same workspace where the robot takes over all the repetitive and heavy movements while the human collaborator moves freely in a safe environment, adding value through more sophisticated contributions.


Learn more in the Universal Robots Blog or in our video:









Learn more about SICK sensor solutions for robotics


Josef Zimmermann
Josef Zimmermann

Josef Zimmermann 


自2010年起,Josef Zimmermann作為技術產業經理密切關注機械人這一主題。作為雷射量測技術與網路技術領域的應用工程師,他於2000年加入SICK。自駕車輛導航以及工業型與服務型機器人專案很早便與他目前的任務領域產生交集。