Registration Sensors

Process control details are often not visible to the human eye. Colors, contrasts, glare, or even entire patterns flash by and the eye simply doesn't see them. However, nothing escapes SICK registration sensors – with a diversified product range, they ensure that the widest range of optical characteristics can be detected safely and reliably. And all of this is possible even when the challenge seems impossible at first.  

Just launched, the KTS/KTX family of contrast sensors, delivering powerful next generation technology that breaks new ground in reliability, accuracy and versatility for print, labelling, converting and packaging applications.

Contrast Sensors

Detect weak contrasts, even at very high speeds.

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Fork Sensors

Combined sender and receiver for accurate object and label detection.

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Colour Sensors

Identify, inspect, and sort by surface colour.

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Register Sensors

Detect control marks for register control quickly and precisely.

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Luminescence Sensors

Detect luminescent marks that are invisible to the human eye.

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Glare Sensors

Detect and distinguish between different gloss levels.

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KTM contrast: mini, easy, speedy