• Order
    How do I place an order?

    Add products to the Cart on this website (use search functions), call +45 4582 6400, send your order via e-mail


    or Fax to +45 4582 6401.

    How do I determine the applicable price?
    Please register or login to see the product price.
    Is my product available?
    You can see the usual availability of each product on this website. For specific availability please register or login.


  • Shipping
    What is the product delivery time?
    You can see the usual availability of each product on this website. For specific availability please register or login. Standard delivery is approximately 2-3 working days from date of order confirmation.
    Where is my shipment?
    Log in and go to My Orders. Select your order and follow the Tracking link.


  • Service
    How do I get help with technical questions?
    Please call +45 4582 6400 or email sick@sick.dk.
    How do I order an on-site service?
    Please call +45 4582 6400 or email sick@sick.dk.
    How do I return a delivery?
    Please call +45 4582 6400 or email sick@sick.dk.
    How do I order a repair or a replacement?
    Please call +45 4582 6400 or email sick@sick.dk.
    A product fails within the warranty period - what can I do?
    Please call +45 4582 6400 or email sick@sick.dk.