
Those who want to get ahead in the competition on world markets need employees with special abilities. Personalities who want to get things moving and who take a broader view of the world.

To succeed in a global market, a company needs employees with special talents – individual personalities with the drive to get things done, and the ability to see the bigger picture.

At SICK, we owe our success to the abilities and dedication of our employees. Without them, we could never have come so far.

To find out what this means for you and your career prospects at SICK, just visit the Job Market of the country that interests you. To view the vacancies in Germany, visit our German Job Market.

We have also many vacancies for students' internships and master thesis. These information are only available in German.


Vacancies SICK spol. s r.o. :



Vacancies SICK VSE s.r.o. :


SICK spol. s r.o.
Ukrajinská 2a
101 00 Praha 10 - Vršovice
Czech Republic

IČ: 44849036
DIČ: CZ44849036

Phone: +420 234 719 500
Fax: +420 234 719 501