Annual Report 2018


SICK achieved above-average growth in sales again during the 2018 fiscal year, measured against the growth rate of Germany’s engineering sector. Orders received exceeded the value of the previous year by 10.3 percent. Group sales also continued growing: With EUR 1,636.8 million, sales surpassed those of the previous year (EUR 1,511.6 million) by 8.3 percent. The number of employees in the SICK Group grew by 10.5 percent worldwide.

Connecting worlds

At first glance, there is a clear separation between the world of human thought and action on the one hand and the technological world of sensors on the other. The Annual Report 2018 shows that the two worlds interact and makes these interactions visible. Whereby the focus is on the contribution that SICK and its partners make towards orchestrating the complex interactions between humans, machines, and data.

Learn more in our digital Annual Report 2018